Thursday, December 3, 2015

Windmill energy

... Feds Opening Waters to Largest U.S. Offshore Wind Farm (Jan. 28, 2015 The windmill is one of the oldest ways to use and save energy. Farmers used windmills to pump water, mill grain by just using the power of the wind. The windmill is controlled by power. Its like a huge fan, and fans move things automatically and that's why there's a fan in a vehicle. If a car doesn't have a fan or your fan in the car stops working then you have no power. Windmills move because of the power of the wind. The British were the first to invent a windmill because they needed to find a quicker way to pump water. Windmills are everywhere they are on farms they are in random field they are behind big buildings. The help from windmills helped grow agriculture and make it a bigger boom. Windmills are still used today on farms. Windmills can help the lagoon and the water in the lagoon so they stay together in a liquid form. In World War Two was one of the windmills useful times because it was used to fed electric power to local utility networks and they called the Windmill "Grandpas Knob". In 1950s they used wind electric turbines to get cheaper energy and oil. Some people didn't think that was fair so they pushed the windmill to the sideline. 


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