Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Confederate Flag Rights

               Everyone is free, skin is just a color, but personally i don't see anything wrong with people flying a confederate flag. Some people think its a racist thing to have a confederate flag and some people just believe its a flag for the Southern states. I myself have always been around confederate flags my whole life my Pappy is from Tennessee and hes always had a flay hanging. When i graduate I'm going to move to Georgia. People believe that the flag is just for the White supremacist but Ive seen all colors of people flying the flag. I understand why people think the flag is racist but i don't think its a good idea to take the Confederate Flag off the the General Lee car. They are also taking the Dukes of Hazards off of the air. “Jay-Z” Carter and Beyonce Knowles-Carter, the couple is attempting to purchase rights to the Confederate flag to prevent further use of the flag on merchandise. According to Hammerstein, the couple is “in the works” of purchasing all resell rights to the confederate flag."

                                                                   Heritage Not Hate

                  Its pretty clear that a lot of people have there own titles and opinions to the thoughts of the confederate flag and that's okay. I think that we should leave the past in the past and not bring any of the horrible things into the present or the future. Yes, people think the Confederate is a flag that stands for racism but that's not what it means according to it means it is obvious that some racists have appropriated and desecrated the Confederate battle flag for their pathetic causes, but those hateful folks also commonly display the Christian cross and the American flag. Do those symbols also inspire racism? People think almost anything in the world is racist. Why do we the people of the United States that have a good life have to go and complain about something that happen many many years ago? To me I think by banning the flag its just going to make people want to become racist.

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