Wednesday, January 13, 2016


What milk is the healthiest between raw milk and milk that has been pasteurized? A lot of people think that raw milk is gross and not safe to drink because its not pasteurized. Have you ever thought that many people use to drink raw milk before pasteurization was created and they have survived. When Louis Pasteur come up with the idea of pasteurizing milk in 1864, all he wanted to do is make drinking milk health friendly and destroy harmful microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. By pasteurizing milk it can let the milk last longer and not spoil in a day or two. The process of pasteurization was debated in the House of Commons and the suggestion made that no raw milk should be sold for human consumption. This would mean installation of expensive machinery by every supplier, and if it should become compulsory there is little doubt that many small firms would shut down and the business pass in the hands of a few big dealers. By obtaining the milk at a temperature of 145 degrees to 150 degrees F. for half an hour and then reducing the temperature to not more than 55 degrees F. Besides destroying part of the vitamin C contained in raw milk and encouraging growth of harmful bacteria, pasteurization turns the sugar of milk, known as lactose, into beta-lactose. This method of pasteurization tends to be used for products such as ice cream.
Pasteurization is effective only until the product is exposed to the air. Then microorganisms from the air can be carried into the product and growth of microorganisms will occur. The chance of this contamination is lessened by storage of milk and milk products at the appropriate storage temperatures after they have been opened. Even ultra-pasteurized milk needs to be stored in the refrigerator once it is in use. There is more than one method of pasteurization. The Ultra-Pasteurization method, it has a higher applied pressure. The higher pressure greatly increases they temperature that can be achieved, and so that decreases the length of the time that a product (mostly milk) needs to be exposed to the heat. The advantage of ultra- pasteurization is the extended shelf live of the milk that results. The milk which is essentially sterile, can be stored unopened at room temperature for several weeks without compromising the quality.