Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Minimum Wage


                What does minimum wage mean to you? Minimum wage means the lowest wage permitted by law or by a special agreement. Its not necessary your employers fault its a set wage in which the government and president controls. I think minimum wage should just be set for young teenagers that are just starting out making some money for like gas and money for hanging out with friends. I also personally think any fast food business should be for young kids not as much for adults that should have a high school diploma. If we change the minimum wage to $10.10 for 7.25 then a lot of business will probably go out of business. We all love McDonald's, Burger King and Wendy's right? Why should we have to change the price of minimum wage because someone flipping patties isn't making enough money? I work on a dairy farm and i started off at minimum wage and in just a little over a year i worked my way up to 9.00 a hour. If you do good and have a good work attitude then your boss ill notice that you are working hard and they will probably give you a raise. I have never complained about making minimum wage because i know that i have a good job that i enjoy. Owners of small businesses will be the first to go out of business because they will now have to pay their workers more money witch they can not afford. I do not think that minimum wage should be changed. And if it does get changed i think it should get changed to 8.50. I don't know what its like to work at a fast food restaurant. I image it could be a little frustrating at sometimes but that doesn't mean you have the right to protest. I think they should work a little harder to show that they are worthy. I have been working at a dairy farm for over a year and i got two raises already. I work very hard to get my bosses attention. From spending hours after my boss tells me i can go home, because i like to fix things up and make the farm better looking. I don't work normal hours like most people. Over the summer I would go to work at seven in the morning and not get off until 9 that night. I not only have one job, I have two jobs. After i get off of work at the farm I go and clean horse stalls. Do I ever think that I should make more money for all of the hard work that i do? Sure I do but I don't go out in front of the barn and protest! People should just wait because one day minimum wage to go up because some day it will have to. Minimum wage hasn't been raised since July 24, 2009. It was only raised seventy cents. Now they want to raise the minimum wage two dollars and eighty five cents. I just think that minimum wage should be raise but not until the near future.